Physics of the Universe an Introduction to God


Chapter Two


Infinite Parallel Magnetism




The Dual Universe in which We Live


“A human being is a part of a whole, called by us ‘universe,’ a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."


“My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind."


"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind."


“I am convinced that God does not play dice."


                               Collected Quotes from Albert Einstein


 As a newborn coming into life enlightened to his little universe, as small as that may be, his awareness is first to that which he feels, tastes, smells, hears, and eventually sees. This pattern remains consistent with our previous examination of basic physics and our sensory mechanisms. Soon the child becomes aware of itself within a swiftly expanding universe as its horizons become more and more broadened by its new-found enlightenment. But is the universe, to which it is becoming familiar, really expanding? No. It is merely the little one’s perception of what already is, that is being broadened as he becomes more familiar with his surroundings. So now, like many things in life which seem so complex, the simplest life forms and basic physics speak by illustration, thus simplifying the most profound.


If we, as some have surmised, take the position that the universe is expanding, moreover expanding as the result of new universes spontaneously springing forth out of nothing, we can conclude that even our own universe came into existence in this same manner without Divine intervention. However, as you can see from our little child illustration, two laws of physics must stand: that of regeneration and that of awareness, both applying to each scenario, which demand this is not the case.


As we have illustrated previously on this subject, our awareness of the universe, and our position within, comes through and by way of the sensory receptors with which we are born. We are well equipped by intelligent design to function within our universe relative to where we perceive our existence within the spectrum of that universe. Just like the child, new to the world, our horizons are continually being broadened by more and more discoveries of our very existence while not actually creating one thing new.


Our enlightenment, to our existence within the universe, starts in its most simplified forms determined by the awareness brought to us, just like that infant child, as our sensory values open more and more through knowledge. However, that knowledge is acquired first by experience. Then as we mature, we come to realize through the learning process that, along with our acquired knowledge, we need understanding to make it work for us. So now we are introduced to the first signs of our dual universe.


Though we start receiving knowledge right away, understanding of that knowledge must come next. For example, most of us are aware of the biophysical makeup of our own bodies and how we are basically formed in two halves that are brought together to form one human being. This is perceived by the fact that we have two of about every part of the human body, but we oftentimes fail to understand why. You could say, if we lose one, we still have the other as a backup. This of course is logical and works, so why not have a dozen of each part, to enlarge on that idea? More important to that design is the fact, for us to comprehend our very existence within life and its surrounding universe, we must be able to perceive it, as well as ourselves along with it, to know that we really exist within the universe at all. Do you recall how that is done? Reflectivity! Remember that catcher’s mitt we talked about? Now it becomes clearer as to why we need the bathroom mirror to remind us that we still exist. Not just our body, but the entire universe as we know it, testifies to the fact that the duality of creation is necessary as a witness of our very existence.


Let us examine for a moment what this entails. First of all, let’s go back to an earlier thought we brought out called magnetism and how the fields of magnetism have dual polarity. When turned toward one another as opposites, they attract, but when facing each other as the same polarity, they oppose. Fields of energy such as electricity form the same characteristics of positive and negative currents. Polarity is what we have, and that polarity is universally the energy source for everything that exists. Without this factor, mass would lay dormant and our bodies would have no movement of life. Force of motion is governed by it, both by attraction and repulsion. The earth is held in space along with the solar system and the universe, and even the universe of other galaxies is held in place by it. We call it gravity, which is another term for what we are addressing, “Magnetism.” It’s not only the glue that holds the universe together, but it is the energy force that makes it function.


By saying this, haven’t we loaded the gun to the theory that life spontaneously starts and continues relative to that initial force? No, not at all. Remember, magnetism is an energy force and like all physics with molecular value, magnetism is no different. Until now we have been looking up, in our references to the universe, leaving us to try and understand its vast expanse. Pausing here, let us consider the other direction, that of Microphysics, showing us molecule, physic structure with Atomic physics, and quantifying even smaller with subatomic values. With this, we see atomic mass made up of particles as well as waves. In the course of this journey, we see that Atomic particles have structures like little universes, composed of solar systems consisting of protons, neutrons, and electrons circling the nucleus of atoms, that when compiled make a mass. This idea of Atomic physics can even be taken smaller with subatomic values categorized as nuclear and particle physics, Nanotechnology and String theory. So, we find, as we observe an infinite space above us, we also see infinite value continues in the other direction as well. The fact that we haven’t discovered all of it, does not negate its infinite value. Remember, like that child, we are just realizing what already exists, not making something new.


Why do I need two halves to my brain? Why does the universe need positive and negative, light and dark, concave and convex, yin and yang and yes, male and female? This is because it is not by spontaneous creation we exist, but rather . . . by intelligent design! However, when I say that, many scientists will say that the intelligence we perceive in the design is only ‘Causation.’ That’s an unusual term, but all it means is when something exists and continues a pattern of that existence, laws are established that confirm no variation in the outcome, resulting in cause and effect patterns predictable by scientific certainty. A lot of similarity exists between causation and predetermination. However, in the scientific community, causation doesn’t necessarily need to be predestined. Predestined generally has faith overtones contributable to Divine intelligent design, setting on course events by omniscient foreknowledge. Most, interpret that foreknowledge as being the omniscient ability of the Divine to look down through time to see everything played out ahead of time. Of course, such a view is almost laughable and even an insult to one’s intelligence, once considering the fact that if the Almighty is anything short of omniscient (all knowing) by omnipotence (being all powerful), he wouldn’t be worthy of the title of Almighty. Unlike a seer prophet, who is said to have the ability to foresee events ahead of time, the Almighty wouldn’t just foresee events to happen but, through Sovereign Omnipotence, they would be caused to happen; thus, true causation must be directed by omnipotence and not just omniscience. But like many religious views, assumed to be blindly acceptable by “faith” with no logical basis in fact, the scientific community, for the most part, rightly rejects this premise. Any such rejection is justified, being predicated upon the fact that most holding to the term “faith,” accept it as the linchpin between reality and assumption; when in truth, faith must exist only upon the preponderance of evidence, as it is witnessed thereto, by factual reality. In other words, to view the unseen in abstract, we must view what is visible as perceptibly and factually real. Simply put, faith without knowledge is blind, and knowledge without faith is lame, just as Einstein has concluded.


This brings us to the long-standing dispute between the view of rational design and the contemporary theory of Quantum mechanics. Stemming from Einstein’s advances furthering the theory of relativity, which proved that energy is mass in motion, the conclusion was that light itself consisted of molecular value, subject to the effects of gravitational fields of magnetism.


The great debate between Intelligent Design and a relative new theory called Quantum resulted. Einstein held to the fact that the universe was rational in its design and behavior, in so much that an order to the universe was established, in proving his theory of relativity correct. Subsequently, the contemporary theory of Quantum mechanics seemed to challenge this idea with the introduction of the theory that physics, at its subatomic levels, indicated an irrational behavior.


Einstein refused to accept this new concept even until the day he died. In his later years his objective was to discover a proverbial “Theory of Everything” that would explain all things, in hopes that finding such would vindicate his position. Sadly, in the eyes of many, Einstein went down in defeat to this new Quantum concept and was considered antiquated with his ridged classical views. I can’t help but think that he had insight into the future of the scientific world once they started down this slippery slope. It could probably be compared to a person with a compulsive behavior requiring everything in his life to be neat and orderly, suddenly coming home to find that vandals had totally wrecked his pristine sanctuary.


Here is the problem that this innovative approach to Quantum mechanics was imposing upon the well-established scientific community up until that time. The Laws of physics had pretty much established that everything in the universe had consistent patterns designed to bring about an expected outcome, enough so that predictability was generally universally accepted. But Quantum theory indicated a major change to that status quo when it was discovered that at the subatomic levels, matter seemed to be behaving irrationally, thus indicating unpredictable outcomes. To get a glimpse of what this meant in the scientific world, just imagine that all your life you had thought that the world was flat and all of a sudden, someone discovers evidence that it is round. It would be shocking to say the least. To make a long story short, out of this new Quantum concept there started to emerge random theories indicating, among other things, that the universe was not infinite at all and the universe could have come about spontaneously of its own volition out of nothing, without Divine authorship, thus eliminating any need for a Sovereign Creator. With this theoretical approach it would leave humanity to its own devices and whatever their self-will would produce with their, new founded, little god status. This is quite a change in objectivity with such a subjective move, wouldn’t you say? However, this is exactly where it has led. Here again, I can’t help but think Einstein had some foresight on the issue when taking his opposing stance. 


While it is true that Quantum theory is the theoretical basis of modern physics that attempts to explain the universe and behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic level, keep in mind that the measurement of subatomic, particle light is what is being considered in this Quantum theory because light is where general physics stops as the final state of matter. Key point! If you will recall, our basic outline of understood physics starts with mass or matter progressing to its highest state perceivable by the five physical senses and acceptable as general physics to the science community. Keep in mind, Einstein showed no hesitancy in crossing the assumed divide between that highest known state of physics, that of light, and the unseen force behind it. In his attempt to do so, he never denied the fact that fully understanding the physical universe around us would lead eventually to understanding God as the source of that universe. This is why his final pursuit in that direction was to quantify God himself within His creation.


With Einstein’s theory of relativity and the theory of Quantum mechanics, for the most part, running parallel at about the same time, the question remains as to just what caused this great divide and exactly what were the facts around this divide, obvious at the time? My simple answer would be to say that the scientific world started to lose its mind by going schizophrenic with its irrational adoption of such a radical theory. Of course, Quantum mechanics in its infancy was only further research into the basic structures of physics following the same pattern of relativity well established and readily accepted in the scientific community. However, that into which it has subsequently evolved is quite a different creature.


In all fairness to some of the greatest minds involved on the issue, we must consider that their approach was never intentional to set on a course that would eventually challenge the very existence of a Divine creator. But once the cornerstone was incorrectly laid, the rest of the structure testified to itself. Once viewing this approach to understanding the makeup of known physics by quantifying its very building blocks to that of light itself, we see quantification is merely a boiling down to the essence of how the universe was made, just another rung on the ladder of physics.  That seems innocent enough, right? In reality, it is not so easy as that, because the crescendo awaiting the next step was downward on that ladder into the most extreme, minute world of microphysics.  Scientific theory was only acceptable based upon logic of reality and that reality had to be established by proven theory, not speculation. Subjectivity would have never been considered a replacement for objectivity at any approach within the field of science, especially in the field of physics. Therefore, it follows that there would be no reason to deviate from this pattern of objectivity, no matter how far any exploration went down the ladder into smaller and smaller microphysics.


To understand what is at stake in this great debate, let us reexamine for a moment the basics of it. No question, the quantum of Einstein’s theory of relativity was the starting point, meaning that mass times the speed of light squared equaled energy, thus making matter and energy equal. This was established as true and well accepted throughout the entire science world. The problem occurred when physicists tried to quantify light itself. In doing so, they detected what appeared to be irrational behavior of the subatomic particles of light known as photons. This behavior was detected and measured when animating the light particles thus speeding up their structures and then shooting the photons into a projected target to measure a pattern. To see if the patterns would remain consistent, they were projected through an opening the same as a bullet would pass through a window on its way to the intended target. No variation being detected, two slots, side by side, were applied to the line of trajectory and quite a different result was observed. The particles seemed to vary in their approach to the target rather than remaining consistent after passing through both slots.


Now to simplify this test in our comprehension, imagine a single rifle bullet leaving the end of a gun barrel with the accuracy of hitting its target at the exact same spot every time, without variation, given that all variables and influences had been removed as in a vacuum, this being based upon invariable, general physics. Classical physics testifies to this as fundamental.  The next approach to the test of the light photon was to shoot a burst of them at the target as you would with a shotgun with multiple shot with the expectation that each would have the accuracy of the rifle bullet. Well of course it didn’t, because the variables are much greater including the possibility of some of the shot bumping into each other thus deflecting its proposed trajectory before hitting the target. However, it was further found in this test that the particles were acting as waves thus showing an interference pattern, even canceling out each other. Simple and clear logic dictates that no consistency of outcome can be predictable under such circumstances because the variables are infinitesimal governing the conclusion. To make a long story short, it was upon this flawed result that the random theory of chances also known as Quantum theory came about. Of course, this was only the start down the slippery slope of irrational science predicated upon String theory which came out of Quantum theory when trying to determine the value of subatomic-light-particle makeup with abstract evaluations. In other words, assuming something about what you don’t see by using known factors about that which you do see.


There is nothing wrong with that type of evaluation in principle, but its credibility only exists in the fact that you are familiar enough with the subject matter to ascertain its hidden values, sight unseen.  This is a far cry away from a true test of String theory Quantum when viewing subatomic particles and their little understood erratic behavior. Once adopting this irrational Quantum theory as the standard, the theory of probability and chance took root. Metaphorically speaking, you can say most physicists now pursue their game with a shotgun and no longer a rifle. So, it follows, when in Vegas they place their bets on more than one number on the roulette wheel to raise the possibilities that they might win. In other words, the science of physics, when taken as contemporarily, understood quantum, is irrational and by medical terms, insane.


Does this mean that all quantum physics is irrational? Absolutely not and here is why. Remember Quanta or Quantifying something means that you just want to know its properties, and what makes it what it is. Now there is nothing wrong with that, because that is how all sciences of knowledge have evolved throughout known history.


Contrary to some that hold to this irrational theory, the universe has a rational and intelligent design laid out in simplicity like a railroad track built with specifications that determine that the train, on which we ride, will not leave that track because it is infinitely consistent. Our faith is solely in the Designer and Builder regardless, whether or not, we have ever met Him. We judge Him by the quality of His work that we are given to perceive. At this point, I will leave you with Einstein’s thoughts on the subject when he said:


“Occurrences in this domain are beyond the reach of exact prediction because of the variety of factors in operation, not because of any lack of order in nature.”


Chapter 3: Convergence


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