In What Name Will the Nation of Israel Receive Their Inheritance,

In What Name Will Their Promised Redemption Come???


In researching the Will and Testament of that Inheritance, the Bible, we have the name of Messiah in FULL Redemption at the end time in a name “written” according to Revelation 19:11-13 where it states:


… he has a name written, that no man knew but he himself…


It goes on to say:


          … his name is called the Word of God…


In Revelation 2:17 we see it is he that overcomes that is given:


… a white stone, and in that stone a new name written, which no man knows saving he that receives it…


In Revelation 3:12 we read again to him that overcomes:


… I (Jesus Christ that is talking in this scripture to John) will write upon him MY new name…


In Revelation 3:21, we perceive the first and primary overcomer, as the example to others, so that they may ALSO overcome, is Messiah:


To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.


Now just where do we expect to find this name that IS ALREADY written that only Messiah knows is his name for the Final Appearing or Second Coming in victory??? Where else but the Law and the Prophets, where it says in Isaiah 52, in speaking of the final Redemption of Israel in verse 6:


          Isaiah 52:6

Therefore, my people shall know my name: therefore, they shall know IN THAT DAY (once Messiah is here and reveals it with understanding, even as he did with the Apostles) that I am he that doth speak: behold, it is I.


Clearly it is indeed written in the Law and the Prophets and is Michael the Great Prince of Daniel 10:21 and 12:1-7. In short, Jesus of the New Testament returns under a new name, which is not a new name just decided out of thin air, but the one he had all along “written” in the Law and the Prophets. We see it is Michael the Archangel, or Chief Messenger of the Covenant according to Malachi 3:1, which is the proper translation of Jude 9:


          Jude 9

Yet Michael the archangel (Chief Messenger), when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.


As the other, earlier believers with pure truth that entered the Holy of Holies with Christ and therefore had the Holy Spirit that brings understanding, wherewith they wrote the letters in the New Testament, Jude was speaking from the Law and the Prophets and in particular,


          Zechariah 3:1-2

1 And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him.

2 And the Lord said unto Satan, The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan; even the Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee: is not this a brand plucked out of the fire?


So, we see in Jude 9 it says Michael said: “the Lord rebuke thee.” In Zechariah 3:2, it says the Lord said these words. Therefore, Michael and the Lord are the same person. This meaning is displayed by Paul in his statements in I Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 as they compare with Jesus’s words in John 5:24-29 when Paul says in verse 16:


For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ rise first (The proper reading of this scripture says the dead, Israel which remains unconverted, that Paul said there was no need to worry about, as though that they had no hope, would rise first in Christ (Romans 11:15). And,…. Christians that are spiritually alive in Christ, and physically remain on earth at the time of his coming, would be joined with those of the household of Israel that, at that time, have already been brought up in this final resurrection first to meet the Lord. So shall both of them be forever with the Lord.):


And then Jesus states in John 5:24-29:


          . . . the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God (the voice of resurrection in the Chief Messenger, the archangel). . .”


The Name of Messiah for the Final Redemption


Indeed, Michael of Daniel 10:21 and 12:1-7 is the name in the end time of the same Messiah, Jesus Christ that was present in 26-30 CE the First Half of Daniel’s 70th Week.  It is clearly revealed with understanding in the opening of the Seventh Seal by the one with that name, however, . . . ONLY when he is present again.
Again, the Law and Prophets set Precedent, and So It Is with “The Name”

The type or shadow of this shift in name, whereby it is publicly presented, is first established in Messiah ben (son of) Joseph. “Joseph” was the original name known to Israel. Once rejected, he came to prominence as “Zaphnathpaaneah” and ruled over Egypt as stated in Genesis 41:38-46. Once restored to his brethren, he was once again known to them as “Joseph.” So, we see through Daniel, before Jesus entered the picture, Michael is the name to Israel for future deliverance based upon Israel’s repentance, accepting his rule over them, in contrast to the spirit of the “Willful King,” as given in Daniel 11:45 moving to Daniel 12:1.
Like Joseph, he was rejected. Under the name “Jesus,” he came to reign over the predominantly Gentile world, today called Christendom,
Acts 4:10-12, which by superficial reading may lead one to believe that no other name was needed other than the name “Jesus” given by Mary, his mother, at the direction of Gabriel, Luke 1:26-31.
Key Point to understanding this scripture,
Acts 4:10-12, is the statement “under heaven.” Once restored to Israel and his brethren, he will be known as “Michael” once again in full deliverance in the redemption to the kingdom of God which is heavenly not earthly. That redemption is promised to come in the name “Michael,” first to Israel and then to the Gentile world, which is direct from God, and recorded in the prophets, before Jesus was ever born. Also notice in that scenario, that it was after Joseph was reunited with Jacob and the family, called a nation in Genesis 25:23 and 46:3 that according to Genesis 47, all of Egypt and Canaan was solidified under Joseph. This is directly the same, as will be the case as given in all the Prophets when Israel comes to Messiah as Michael, in change of government under him, where all the nations will then also come to the spiritual bread of life and the redemption, Amos 8:11, Isaiah 2:1-4, Zechariah 14, Jeremiah 31:34, Zephaniah 3:9, Habakkuk 2:14.


Breaking Down the Name, Its Parts and Meanings


In Hebrew, Daniel 12:1 translates as Mi-cha-El, “who-is like-God,” Ha-Tsar, “the-Prince,” Ha-Gadol, “the-Great.” Like many languages other than English, the adjectives come after, rather than before, the noun. This is true of French for example where “la voiture blanche,” means “the white car” but is actually spoken as it is written here, “the car white.” So, we have Mi cha el, Ha Tsar, Ha Gadol in Hebrew, literally in English “Michael - the Prince - the Great,” spoken in common English order “Michael, the Great Prince.” In Hebrew, Michael HaTsar HaGadol, in English is “Michael Craig Clark.”

In further examination of the name Clark, it comes originally from the word “priest” and came to be later known as “clergyman,” in Greek terms and in English “clerk.” Historically, the clergy was authorized to keep the records of births, deaths, marriages, or ancestral records which made them the “clerk.” Therefore, a “clark” was a clergyman. Biblically Israel’s clergymen were priests. Thus, if Messiah came to Israel, what name would he bear?  It would be “High Priest,” because he is Melchizedek, the High Priest, who is like God.


We have Messianic prophecy that appears to say this is true of the parties Hilkiah (High Priest, II Kings 23:4) and his son Eliakim, actually mentioned or stated within that prophecy of Isaiah 22. However, it is clearly pointing to the end time fulfillment of all prophecy in Messiah, the Great High Priest. This is also the fulfillment of the Priesthood of the highest order, long before there was any Aaronic Priesthood, as one can perceive in that which appeared to Abraham, Melchizedek meaning Melchi - “my king” Zedek  “righteous,” in English “my righteous king,” that introduces that which is eternal,  not temporary, but forever, in the message he brings which is THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL (Gospel of the Kingdom), that puts us in direct relationship to God as Father, through His manifested Son, according to Genesis 14:18-20, Psalms 110, and Hebrews 7.

Because Messiah does not come in the order of the Aaronic priesthood under the Law of Moses, he comes after the heavenly priesthood after the order of Melchizedek, Hebrews 7, it follows that because he is the “HIGH Priest” after that order, his name would have to indicate such. We see this in:


Job 39:27-29

27 Doth the eagle mount up at thy command, and make her nest on high?


28 She dwelleth and abides on the rock, upon the CRAG of the rock, and the strong place.


29 From thence she seeks the prey, and her eyes behold afar off.

30 Her young ones also suck up blood: and where the slain are, there is she.


Therefore, the full name in which Israel would be expecting Messiah is Michael Craig Clark, The High Priest, who is like God, after the order of Melchizedek.